It seems like our world these days is so unstable. Maybe it's just me but it seems like everything is in flux. The stock market hits record high and then plunges. Interest rates are at their lowest levels in the history of the mortgage market yet every day we keep hearing they are bound to jump. What happens to the housing market when that happens? Real Estate markets in Ventura County and around the US have plummeted since 2006, hit bottom around 2012, jumped by 20-25% over the next 12 months or so and then have begun to show signs of weakening. ISIS and Al Queda continue to exert their presence on the World's stage causing a heightened sense of fear. And now we need to be concerned about our neighbor or co-worker or my child's friend coming down with Ebola. Peak election season always causes worry because politicians on both side convince us to vote for them or their party because of something we should be afraid of. Fear inspires us. It motivates us to take action...sometimes to act and sometimes to cower. Fear sells. Fear gets our attention because it makes us sit up and listen. Even in Real Estate it works. "Buy now before prices go higher." "Sell now before prices drop even further." "Be aggressive with your offer so that you compete with the multiple buyers." "Take this offer. It might be the only one you get." See how that works? Crazy.
Yet, with all of this fear and instability happening around us, for most of us, we can always find peace and comfort AT HOME. This is the place where we usually find comfort and rest. It's the place we long for. I saw the quote above from FDR and thought it was so true. He was speaking about the economics of HOME and that is certainly true. But, to be honest, most of my clients aren't really thinking about the economics when they walk through the door for the first time. It's more emotional than that. They are asking themselves questions like..."Does it feel right?" Does it fit my family?" Can I see myself here long-term?" "How's the neighborhood?" "How are the schools?" "Does it have a pool?" "Does it have an attached garage with direct access?" "Is the backyard big enough for my kids?" "Is the backyard small enough that I don't have to spend all weekend caring for it?" Each one of us has our own needs when it comes to housing and that is what makes my job enjoyable. Each client has a new set of parameters that create the ideal home and it's my job to get as close to that ideal as possible. Sure, money plays a part. As FDR says, "purchased with common sense" is important. Today I suspect he would replace "paid for in full" with "paid for with financing you can afford". Money is a factor, but once you have hit that parameter, the rest is all emotion.

I hope you find peace today in your HOME. If you are not at "Real Estate peace" and would like help finding it, please call me for an immediate, peaceful, confidential consultation.
Have a great day!
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